Thursday, October 18, 2012

"Postscript- Some Random Thoughts on Demonstration"

                It is better for the demonstration to assume that the audience knows nothing or a little about what he is intending to demonstrate. One of the reminder in Demonstration is “Do not hurry your demonstration” based on the postscript. The audience which has “zero” knowledge or “zero” skills in what you are demonstrating got a very good result. They will be able to listen and participate during the activity. To make the demonstration works become successful, the demonstrator ought to plan and prepare very well before they are going to conduct the demonstration proper.

            One of the methods of teaching used by the teacher is demonstration method. It is very important in order for the pupils/students learn faster and easier. In making demonstration, make it sure that your demonstration is simple enough that most of them interest and eager to listen. For example, in demonstrating of new product. The demonstrator must have enough knowledge to introduce his product to convince the audience to buy. In order to achieve the purpose, the demonstration can use devices so that the audience create and sustain interests. Just like with the students, teacher having a demonstration activity should perform well. To make your methods become effective. 

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