Thursday, October 18, 2012

" “The class”

Teaching is not just only a profession, but it is also a vocation to help those people who did not know how to read and write. Teachers have a big role in our society. Without them educational institutions did not exist. Teachers who are the constructors and facilitators of learning are challenged to identify what are the essentials and not essentials in the curriculum, what is relevant and not relevant so that the students get what is needed for them to become productive members of their own community. But, who will be too blamed if the students learned nothing from the class? The parents, the teachers, or the students itself?

The movie entitled “The Class” challenged all the teachers to have an advanced planning in the application of different strategies, techniques, and approaches. Parents are the most responsible to guide their children, because education starts at home. Hence then, we can never blame those parents especially they are in lower level of attainment. Students, it is their duty and responsibility to become aware to their lesson. They must have to apply critical thinking in order for them to learn. Teachers are considered as a surrogate parent, an instructor, and a manager. Teacher’s performance is then measured in terms of their delivery of the good services and high achievements results of their students.

Handling a class with different race and culture is not an easy task. They have different beliefs, opinions and views. As what I have seen the movie there will be a crucial discrimination among the students. Teachers may have this kind of class requires great patience and temperance. But before the teacher introduced the topic, the first thing to do is to apply classroom management and impose discipline. I think Mr. Marin did not apply that strategy and maybe he may lack of techniques in teaching. If I were Mr. Marin I focused those students who are in lower level especially those who are pity one. Motivate them to become more successful in life. I always teach to my students, Education is not just only about knowledge it is also about behavior. For them to realized no matter what religion and race they may came from, respecting  to everybody is very important.

"Postscript- Some Random Thoughts on Demonstration"

                It is better for the demonstration to assume that the audience knows nothing or a little about what he is intending to demonstrate. One of the reminder in Demonstration is “Do not hurry your demonstration” based on the postscript. The audience which has “zero” knowledge or “zero” skills in what you are demonstrating got a very good result. They will be able to listen and participate during the activity. To make the demonstration works become successful, the demonstrator ought to plan and prepare very well before they are going to conduct the demonstration proper.

            One of the methods of teaching used by the teacher is demonstration method. It is very important in order for the pupils/students learn faster and easier. In making demonstration, make it sure that your demonstration is simple enough that most of them interest and eager to listen. For example, in demonstrating of new product. The demonstrator must have enough knowledge to introduce his product to convince the audience to buy. In order to achieve the purpose, the demonstration can use devices so that the audience create and sustain interests. Just like with the students, teacher having a demonstration activity should perform well. To make your methods become effective. 

Art of Questioning

Questions are one of the teaching tools conveniently placed in the hands of a teacher. This is also helpful in determining the difficulties of students in any lesson. To be able to use questioning for any of these purposes effectively, the teacher should know the characteristics of a good question, the techniques of questioning as well as handling pupils/students responses and questions.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Laboratory Method

A place for experimental study in the natural science where various chemical materials were tested, analyzed, and prepared is referred to laboratory. The laboratory method was used to designate a teacher procedure that uses experimentation with apparatus and materials to discover or verify facts and to study scientific relationship. Since then, laboratory method is applicable in all other subjects.  It is also one of the teaching methods used by the teacher. Students learned by doing. It is also more effective sense of learning because the students undergo actual experiences.

Classroom Management

How significant classroom management in teaching?  One of the most difficult problems that confront a beginning teacher is classroom management. It is not easy to manage a class without a lot of knowledge and experiences.
Good classroom management establishes an atmosphere which permits activities to be carried on efficiently and economically. It includes control of its physical conditions as well as of the materials of instruction. There are some aspects to be considered in classroom management, these are: lighting, care and routine, directing and controlling learning, and the biggest aspect of classroom management are discipline. It has a great impact for the teacher to apply discipline in the classroom to eliminate the cause of misbehavior of the students. Classroom management is a major responsibility of a teacher, there are many brilliant teachers failed to manage his/her class. Never let a class know that you did not know how to control them. Firmness and forcefulness in speaking can make students attentive.
The classroom cannot function well without the teacher. The success of the activities in the classroom depends on the ability of the teacher as a classroom manager. Teacher take care the two aspects of classroom management, namely, care of routine factors and classroom discipline.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Seminar involved a group of people or deliberative body looking for the solution to the problem from the evidence based on reading, experiences and minds of its participants. In conducting a seminar the lecturer must be skillful and knowledgeable. It is of great advantage when the leader knows enough about the subject or can find out enough through reading and interview, can define objectives and can state the problem definitely.


One of the most widely accepted instructional materials is the learning module. It is a self-learning kit which usually consists of a package of learning activities, usually papers that have to be accomplished by the student. Preparing a module is not an easy task. But these instructional materials have many advantages for teachers and students. For students, these are: they work at their own pace, they assume responsibility for learning, they find that textbooks are not the only source of learning, they know exactly what they have to learn, they are encouraged to master the module and competition for grade is reduced. For teachers, they have time to pay attention to individual learning problems, they can identify problem earlier, they are free to serve as resource persons, to answer questions, and to help those who need help and there is better cooperation between teachers and students.