Monday, July 23, 2012

Meaningful Learning Theory

This theory explains, where an individual learns by relating newly acquire information to what the learner already knows. Everyone of us has different ways of learning, it depends on how we considered the things around us. Studying, is the most important characteristics that the learners can make sense out of the information to be acquired. 

Sometimes, not all information integrates our mind because there are some conditions that cause forgetting such as: Disuse, Inference, Retroactive or Proactive inhibition, Reorganization, and Motivated Forgetting. As a learners, don't let our mind deteriorate in terms of gaining knowledge. We must be active in acquiring new information that lead to increase our learning skills.   

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sequence of Information Processing

Encyclopedia of education Research define Learning as: a growth of interest, knowledge and skills and to transfer these to new situation. In learning there are sequence to be considered of information processing. First, the sensory registers that receive the big amount of information from the senses, second, the short term memory or working memory that holds limited amount of information. And the last one is, long -term memory that keeps information for the long period of time and integrate it through rehearsal, elaboration and organization with information that is already known.   

Our brain is considered as the storage of knowledge, in such case, concepts of learning is the most important to apply in order to  understand what would be the best way to increase the learning capacity.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Learning Process

     One of the easiest ways to learn is collecting information. The more you are meticulous in everything, the more you learn. We all know that learning is a lifetime process. It is because every day we can encounter different experiences in life  that lead us to learn something to reinforce appropriate learning resources.

        Reading books, attending seminars and using high technology can give information & develop our learning. Teachers must practice teaching strategies in order the students’ learned. Reg Revans said: There can be no learning without action and no action without learning. It means we learn a lot of things by interacting through other people.